Thursday 16 April 2020

Flying High

Flying high

I was flying through the freezing cold air as I moved around in a brown box. I could see a shallow river below me. I looked back and I could see a man following me. The wind was very strong and was pushing me towards home. I could feel the breeze from up in the sky. Ahhh I screamed. I was about to bump into a tree. I suddenly used all my strength and pulled myself to the right so I didn't crash into the tree. The wind was getting even worse. I was moving so fast I could barely see anything next to me. I was so high I could see people flying kites and people chopping wood. The end

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Kylah, I love the descriptions in your story. It makes me feel like I'm right there! If I could pick a super power it would definitely be flying! I think you could write a part 2. Where are you flying to? How will you land?


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