Friday 17 April 2020

Disappearing world

Disappearing world

Piece by piece the world was despairing, I stood there worried looking at our town fall apart, suddenly I heard a crack. I looked down and saw cracks below my feet. I panicked and ran away as quickly as I could. I could feel the burning sun getting closer and closer to us as the town was falling apart. I could feel bits and pieces of the building dropping down on me like it was going to collapse.  


  1. Hi Kylah it is Salamasina, nice work I love all the amazing words and sentences you have. I am working on this one too but it is my second on my first one was called Flying high. I hope you keep making amazing story's like this one!

  2. Hi Kylah It's me Ana Nice work I love all the amazing words you have used in your writing. I have been working on my story called mountain pass. Hope I see more of your cool and amazing story's like this one. blog you later

    1. thankyou ana for commenting on my blog i love to make these kind of storys


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