Friday 15 November 2019

Travel clouck

As i was walking in the damp floor outside of me Carrying an old time travel clock i wonder where it could take me i was freezing cold and the gray cloud combine together making the rainThe gray cloud combining together.

Wednesday 13 November 2019

A start of a new begnning

The start of a new beginning

I was walking on the beach on a sunny day until I saw a cute hatchling it was coming out of a  dirty egg Its mouth was filled with sand and dirt. The hatchlings eyes were barely opened the little hatchling was trying to get out but was stuck and had to find a way to get out of the egg. Little hatchling was tired and really cold it’s skin was scaly and covered with mud and dirt.

Monday 11 November 2019

The deep

The deep

Something was lurking beneath him until he realised that there was a whale shark beneath him. He moved up closer to see the whale shark Clarey . The whales sharks mouth was wide open and you could see lined inside of his mouth. The whale shark was swimming closer and closer and then stopped  and bits of pieces went straight into his  mouth.