Tuesday 21 April 2020



Boom! Bash! The clouds combined together as this object which was controlling the clouds spun into life. The lightning struck and swoosh the wind went. The trees were going from side to side and the rain was pouring down. It was going to get worse! Buildings were being broken down. Crash, boom, bash another building went. It looked like it was on top of a hill,  higher than any of the buildings in the city. The clouds were getting more grey than usual and the lighting was turning red and purple. Salvation, I said to myself as I was trying to get to safety will come when the object finally works! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kylah. Well done for using many types of onomatopoeia to descriptive the sounds of the storm. When I read it I felt like I could hear the storm in my head. I popped in to help you with some editing. Remember to use a comma when you list a few onomatopoeia together. Check out where I added these in. Keep on writing!


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